Monday, July 30, 2012

Oregano & Olive Oil: My Question To Immortal Technique.



{Kuwait-PalTelegraph} - On May 30th, I was granted the opportunity to join in on a Google+ hangout panel on the show {The Stream}.
'The Stream' is an Aljazeera English show, that looks into social media as a toold of compiling news worldwide, they focus their episodes on events happening around the world and reiceve feedback live from a community of social media activists and activists on the ground.

The episode I joined in on, featured HipHop artist Immortal Technique, the episode focused on the political message of his music and its content; I presented him with a question near the end of the show.
I have transcriped below the question and the answer that he provided.


As a strong supporter of the occupy wall street movement, lots of people equate it with the Arab revolutions, I was wondering if you think it has the potential to move from being just an opposition movement to creating an actual revolution in America that can change domestic and foreign policy.

Immortal Technique -

“I think that if it's going to change foreign policy then it has change, it has to affect and change economically first and foremost, it has to make people realize how much these foreign wars are costing us, how much our occupations all over the world are costing us.

I think that when you look at Palestine for example, it has to become a human rights issue and not a religious issue and a land issue, I think that when you break it down, you can't just paint things with a broad stroke.

I look at it in a very complex manner because a revolution is usually started by ideologues and then falls into the hand that is strong enough to wield the hammer, because most people that engage in a revolution and actually take charge of the country afterwards aren't these scientists and professors who designed some beautiful Utopian society, it is usually the hand that was strong enough to break the other hand that was holding the country together where it was. I think we see this very clear in all revolutions; Chinese revolution, Cuban revolution, even the American revolution a consolidation of power immediately after the revolution.

So yes we have the fanfare, yes we've overthrown Mubarak, we've gotten rid of this evil tyrant, who we{America} by the way we're sponsoring and giving money to, God know what other perks he has held, I don't know if his brother was caught in Dubai with 52 million dollars of alleged heroin money but I know that there are other people who we are perfectly capable of considering our allies without giving them that same scrutiny and I think that just mentioning that give the ability for us to create a dialogue.

If like you said in the hopes of starting a real revolution with real change then it has to affect them economically, it has to break some companies, people has to lose their jobs over it, it's going to be an uncomfortable place to be in like all revolution, only that I hope this one isn't something that is soaked in blood and violence because people would rather, in the experience that I've had meeting and talking to people who have lived through revolution, people would rather live under a tyrant regime for ten years than spend one day living in wild anarchy.”

{Author: Yasir M. Tineh / Click Here To Visit Blog}

Twitter: @YasirTineh



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