Tuesday, May 31, 2011

The Six-Day War and a Possible Resolution

By Ron Forthofer

President Obama's recent statements about using the 1967 borders as the basis for a settlement of the Israeli/Palestinian conflict sparked strong reactions. These reactions also show that many people are terribly misinformed about who started the Six Day War.
Initially Israel said that it had been attacked and that its survival was at stake. However Israel began the fighting when it launched a sneak air attack on Egypt on June 5th. This Israeli attack essentially won the war since it destroyed the bulk of the Egyptian air force whose planes were still on the ground.

Since both U.S. and Israeli intelligence services confidently predicted that Israel would quickly win a war against the Arab forces, the claim about Israel’s survival being at risk was purely propaganda. Israeli General Matityah Peled, chief of the logistical command during the 1967 war, was blunt in March 1972: “Since 1949 no one was in any position to threaten the very existence of Israel. Despite this, we continue to nurture the feeling of inferiority as though we were a weak and insignificant people struggling to preserve our own existence in the face of impending extermination.” In another 1972 interview, Mordechai Bentov, a former member of the Israeli ruling coalition during the June war, stated: “This whole story about the threat of extermination was totally contrived and then elaborated on afterwards to justify the annexation of new Arab territories.”

Confronted with this evidence about the Israeli attack, many now argue that the attack was preemptive. Leading up to the Israeli attack, both sides were engaging in brinkmanship with many provocations particularly along the Israeli-Syrian border.  On May 22nd, Yitzak Rabin, Israel’s Chief of Staff, met with Moshe Dayan, Israeli military legend. According to Rabin, Dayan critiqued the Israeli Cabinet and Army saying: “The nature and scale of our reprisal actions against Syria and Jordan had left Nasser with no choice but to defend his image … thereby setting off a train of escalation in the entire region.”

Egyptian President Gamal Abdel Nasser took steps to take the pressure off Syria. He ordered the United Nations Emergency Force (UNEF) from Egyptian territory. Little noted is that Israel immediately repeatedly rejected requests to allow the UNEF to take up positions on its territory. Nasser also moved large numbers of Egyptian troops into the Sinai followed by Israel beginning a large-scale mobilization of its reserves. Nasser subsequently said the Straits of Tiran were closed to Israeli flagships and to ships carrying oil and weapons bound for Israel. Israel had not sent a flagship through the straits in nearly two years, but it did ship Iranian oil through the straits. Diplomats worked to resolve this crisis, and the Egyptian vice-president was to meet with President Johnson on June 7th. Dean Rusk, the U.S. Secretary of State, was bitterly disappointed by the Israeli attack since he thought he could have achieved a peaceful resolution of the crisis.

Despite these moves by Nasser, Israeli Foreign Minister Abba Eban wrote in his autobiography “Nasser did not want war; he wanted victory without war”. James Reston of the New York Times wrote from Cairo on June 4th that: “Cairo does not want war and it is certainly not ready for war.” In 1968 Yitzak Rabin said: “I do not think Nasser wanted war. The two divisions he sent to the Sinai in May [1967] would not have been sufficient to launch an offensive against Israel. He knew it and we knew it.” In 1982, Israeli Prime Minister Begin admitted: “In June, 1967, we again had a choice. The Egyptian army concentrations in the Sinai did not prove that Nasser was really about to attack us. We must be honest with ourselves. We decided to attack him.” Reinforcing the position that Egypt was not prepared for war with Israel, Egypt then had 50,000 of its crack troops tied down in Yemen.

Given these doubts about Israel’s stated reasons, why did Israel attack? Was it to deny Nasser a political victory and to crush the idea of Arab unity? Or was the intent to destroy Arab weapons and forces? In a 1976 interview Moshe Dayan said the attack on Syria was due to Israelis’ greed for Syrian land. It is likely that all three of these reasons played some role in the decision to attack. However, regardless of the reason, in July 1967 Gen. Yigal Allon, then deputy prime minister for the Labor Party, created a plan to solidify Israel’s occupation of key parts of the West Bank and to prevent the formation of a viable Palestinian state. This Allon Plan, slightly expanded, has basically been implemented in the West Bank, making daily life almost impossible for Palestinians and leading to horrific violence and terrible losses for both Palestinians and Israelis.

Israel was the clear aggressor in the 1967 war. Since international law bans the taking of land by force, Obama was on solid ground in emphasizing the June 4, 1967 borders. However, even if Israel had been the victim instead of the aggressor of the attack, the Geneva Accords prohibit the placement of people from an occupying power on the land being occupied. All the Israeli colonialists living in the Occupied Territories, including East Jerusalem and the Golan Heights, are thus residing there illegally.

However Obama’s statement ceded power to Israel re peace negotiations when he added that there should be mutually agreed upon land swaps to the June 4, 1967 borders in order to provide secure and recognized borders for both Israel and Palestine. If Israel doesn’t agree to the proposed land swaps, then what? In addition, land swaps reward Israel for violating international law.

If Palestinians want a two-state resolution, that is their choice. However, instead of starting negotiations from a point that flouts international law, why not offer a proposal to the world community that recognizes international law and also takes into account the difficulty of dealing with the Israeli colonialists on Palestinian land?

One possible proposal might be to offer the lease to Israel of a small portion of Palestinian land at an annual cost of some billions of dollars. This leasing would represent a huge and unpalatable concession of the part of the Palestinians. To make this proposal digestible for the Palestinians, Israel would have to offer huge inducements.

These inducements might include, for example, the following: 1) Israeli reparations to those Palestinians whose homes were damaged or destroyed in the Occupied Territories; 2) Israeli reparations to those Palestinians whose olive trees were uprooted and to others whose means of livelihood were damaged or destroyed; 3) Israeli reparations for the damaged Palestinian infrastructure; 4) Palestinian control of the aquifers on the land leased to Israelis with an equal distribution of water to Palestinians and Israelis on a per-person basis; 5) Israelis living on the leased land recognize that they are living in Palestine and are subject to Palestinian laws and taxes; 6) Israelis living on Palestinian lands must turn in their weapons; 7) Israel must tear down the Wall that is on Palestinian land; and 8) Israel must release all Palestinian prisoners.

Israeli colonialists living outside the leased land must return to Israel. There would also have to be a truth and reconciliation commission, similar to that used in South Africa, addressing the violations of international law. In addition, any Israeli military attacks on the Palestinian territories would terminate the lease agreement. An international force would monitor the borders and would be based on both sides of the recognized borders. Finally, Israel must provide Palestine with Israeli land equal in value, not size, to those lands Israel leases in Palestine.

There are several other points, including reparations for killing and wounding civilians, to be considered for a comprehensive resolution. In addition, the ‘Right of Return’ is a key point not considered here. This proposal represents only one possible suggestion for dealing with the Occupation.

Many would say that this idea is crazy because it is almost certain that Israel and the U.S. would immediately reject it. Why spend any time even thinking of something like this? However, face it, these two nations would oppose any reasonable resolution. It would be up to the international community to use sanctions and other tools such as the Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions movement to bring about a fair resolution. Unless justice, human rights and international law are honored in any resolution, there will not be a lasting peace in the Middle East.

- Ron Forthofer, Ph.D. is a retired professor of biostatistics. He contributed this article to PalestineChronicle.com.

Source: http://palestinechronicle.com/view_article_details.php?id=16894

Nick Barmby The Ashes Redrow Consumer affairs Public sector cuts Wigan Athletic

First NAf. 4.1 million in interest payments on ?debt relief? made

PHILIPSBURG--St. Maarten has begun to pay the interest on the NAf. 295 million bond issued by the Dutch Government as its part of the debt of the former Netherlands Antilles. The first half-year interest payment of NAf. 4.1 million was made in April, according to Finance Minister Hiro Shigemoto.

The interest alone will be NAf. 8.2 million annually on the bond repayment. The outstanding amount will be redeemed on October 21 of 2020, 2025, 2030, 2035 and 2040, Shigemoto said.

Deputy Prime Minister Theo Heyliger, who has come under intense criticism from some sections of the community at home and in the Netherlands for comparing the attainment of country status to modern-day slavery that has seen Dutch funding dry up and Dutch supervision increase, told The Daily Herald this was a perfect example of what he had meant.

Pointing particularly to an editorial in this newspaper, Heyliger said, "People seem to forget that we didn't get a handout. We have to repay what we were given, all based on the agreements that were made to bring home country status."

The Dutch Government, based on signed agreements, committed to paying NAf. 183 million as debt relief directly to St. Maarten, he said, adding that so far only NAf. 65 million, which covered a debt to the then-general pension fund APNA, had been paid. The APNA payment, Heyliger and Shigemoto said, was not a responsibility of the people of St. Maarten, as it was a debt incurred by the former Netherlands Antilles Government.

"With the APNA debt passed on to St. Maarten and other payments pending to creditors, our debt was estimated at NAf. 183 million. Of that amount, St. Maarten paid back some NAf. 78 million because the promised debt relief was not available in a timely fashion to pay creditors who had a time limit in their contracts or had gone to court to get payment from government," Heyliger said. "So you see, the people of St. Maarten have so far covered the majority of the country's debt."

Of the remaining direct St. Maarten debt, a "significant portion" is owed to Dutch contractors and firms. "Worldwide, this would be considered incentive for buying from that country," Heyliger said.

He also noted that government had not received any official response up to now to its letters about the shares issued for utilities company GEBE that were sent to the Dutch Government.

"The people of St. Maarten continue to subsidise the Netherlands through the Dutch public entities of St. Eustatius and Saba. Little St. Maarten is shouldering the burden for a big first-world country. When we enforce GEBE's concession to the letter, we will be viewed as taking bad ones and no one will remember the years the St. Maarten people endured and continue to endure high electricity prices because of the present setup of GEBE."

Further, St. Maarten is yet to receive an official response regarding the appointment of its candidate for the board of the Committee for Financial Supervision CFT. Government had proposed businessman Michel Soons earlier this year, but there has been no movement by the Kingdom Council of Ministers to appoint him, Heyliger said. "There has been no word on why they are stalling on the appointment. This again shows no transparency on their part."

Source: http://www.thedailyherald.com/islands/1-islands-news/16387-first-naf-41-million-in-interest-payments-on-debt-relief-made-.html

Soap opera Nuclear weapons US healthcare Switzerland Folk music West Ham United

?Brakes on truck are 100 per cent?

page1a007~ Says owner of truck that killed Lynch ~

PHILIPSBURG--Controversy surrounding Silvia Lynch's death has sparked a media storm that has yet to address until now pointed questions concerning the truck driver's legal status, condition of the vehicle's brakes, and to whom the truck belongs.

Silvia Lynch was run over and killed on May 6 moments after exiting her school bus on Naked Boy Hill in Sucker Garden. The initial report indicated that the truck's brakes had failed and that her death was a direct result of the truck's inability to stop.

Speculation had also surfaced days afterward that the Dominicano driver did not have a valid licence and was residing illegally in St. Maarten. These details raised the question why the driver was behind the wheel of the truck in the first place.

Family members of Silvia Lynch wanted to uncover the reasons why the company that hired the driver to drive a possibly faulty truck had not been confronted or penalised.

In an exclusive interview on Tuesday, Corporan Hipolito, owner of the white 1990 Mack dump truck that struck Silvia Lynch and the man responsible for hiring the driver involved in the accident, told The Daily Herald what he called "the reality of the situation."

Hipolito said, "First of all, my condolences go out to the family, I was saddened by her death and it is a very unfortunate accident. I want people to know it was an accident. The driver still doesn't know what happened."

"You have to understand that the truck's front end is taller than the girl," Hipolito explained. "He never even saw her until she appeared in the side mirrors."

"The driver had called me that day and said that he had hit a little girl and that he thinks she might be dead. I immediately went over there and took care of him so that no one would hurt him; I was with him until the police took him to the station. He never told anyone the brakes failed, so I don't know where people are getting this information," the truck owner said.

There was nothing wrong with the truck he stressed. "The truck was tested by JoJo Construction when the police began their investigation. They took the truck to the top of a hill, sped down the hill, and when the truck approached the bottom it stopped with no problem. The truck's brakes are 100 per cent. They work perfectly. My truck is insured and inspected. I am not responsible for anything."

Hipolito also addressed the reasons he had hired the driver and his legal status. "He has been driving for 40 years. He has an international licence to operate heavy freight. He has been going back and forth between the Dominican Republic and St. Maarten for a long time.

"He was a Brooks Tower Accord pending applicant. It was fully legal for him to drive that truck. I signed his papers at the Department of Labour. I don't know where people are getting this stuff. You think I'm going to risk all this [motioning toward the various trucks he owns] to hire one person?

"This was an accident, an accident. These things, although very unfortunate, happen," he said. "If he was illegal, they would have loved to kick him out. They investigated him thoroughly for 48 hours and he still has to be readily available to them.

"The police even went through his cell phone to see if he had made a call during the time the little girl was hit. They looked at him up and down, they didn't keep him because it was an accident and he was driving that truck legally."

When contacted on Tuesday, Chief Prosecutor Hans Mos said "this investigation is still ongoing."

Source: http://www.thedailyherald.com/islands/1-islands-news/17141-brakes-on-truck-are-100-per-cent.html

Liverpool Gay and lesbian travel Family finances Lancashire Incineration Clint Eastwood

Highest point reached at Hope Estate phase two

page1a012HOPE ESTATE--Minister responsible for public housing Theo Heyliger was hoisted by crane in a three-person construction basket and poured champagne over the highest point of the Hope Estate phase two apartment project on Monday. The project consists of 24 three-bedroom apartments.

The Minister lauded the fact that the project is nearing completion and, although just a drop in the housing demand bucket, will offer homes to some persons who need them the most. He pointed out that although monies from Dutch funding agency USONA for public housing had been depleted, it was time for St. Maarten to find creative ways to fund future construction of affordable homes.

In this context he mentioned "seriously looking at" housing bonds, finding ways of tapping into the pension fund, the housing foundation obtaining feasible interest rates at the banks, etc. He also gave a guarantee to St. Maarten Housing Development Foundation (SMHDF) Director Henry Lynch that government would soon sign over properties "to further develop affordable homes" for the people of St. Maarten.

As phase II is an extension of the 70 apartments that comprise Hope Estate phase I, the 24 units will be managed by SMHDF through a management agreement with government.

The project is being financed by USONA for approximately NAf. 4.4 million through the Social Economic Initiative funding. Government is contributing NAf. 1.1 million, NAf. 900,000 of which is designated for infrastructure and NAf. 100,000 for drainage provisions. SMHDF also is contributing NAf. 169,000.

The 24 apartments are in three separate three-storey buildings located adjacent to the three buildings of Hope Estate phase I.

Source: http://www.thedailyherald.com/islands/1-islands-news/17320--highest-point-reached-at-hope-estate-phase-two-.html

New Castle United Tromso Lee Bowyer Beach holidays Weather The FA

First NAf. 4.1 million in interest payments on ?debt relief? made

PHILIPSBURG--St. Maarten has begun to pay the interest on the NAf. 295 million bond issued by the Dutch Government as its part of the debt of the former Netherlands Antilles. The first half-year interest payment of NAf. 4.1 million was made in April, according to Finance Minister Hiro Shigemoto.

The interest alone will be NAf. 8.2 million annually on the bond repayment. The outstanding amount will be redeemed on October 21 of 2020, 2025, 2030, 2035 and 2040, Shigemoto said.

Deputy Prime Minister Theo Heyliger, who has come under intense criticism from some sections of the community at home and in the Netherlands for comparing the attainment of country status to modern-day slavery that has seen Dutch funding dry up and Dutch supervision increase, told The Daily Herald this was a perfect example of what he had meant.

Pointing particularly to an editorial in this newspaper, Heyliger said, "People seem to forget that we didn't get a handout. We have to repay what we were given, all based on the agreements that were made to bring home country status."

The Dutch Government, based on signed agreements, committed to paying NAf. 183 million as debt relief directly to St. Maarten, he said, adding that so far only NAf. 65 million, which covered a debt to the then-general pension fund APNA, had been paid. The APNA payment, Heyliger and Shigemoto said, was not a responsibility of the people of St. Maarten, as it was a debt incurred by the former Netherlands Antilles Government.

"With the APNA debt passed on to St. Maarten and other payments pending to creditors, our debt was estimated at NAf. 183 million. Of that amount, St. Maarten paid back some NAf. 78 million because the promised debt relief was not available in a timely fashion to pay creditors who had a time limit in their contracts or had gone to court to get payment from government," Heyliger said. "So you see, the people of St. Maarten have so far covered the majority of the country's debt."

Of the remaining direct St. Maarten debt, a "significant portion" is owed to Dutch contractors and firms. "Worldwide, this would be considered incentive for buying from that country," Heyliger said.

He also noted that government had not received any official response up to now to its letters about the shares issued for utilities company GEBE that were sent to the Dutch Government.

"The people of St. Maarten continue to subsidise the Netherlands through the Dutch public entities of St. Eustatius and Saba. Little St. Maarten is shouldering the burden for a big first-world country. When we enforce GEBE's concession to the letter, we will be viewed as taking bad ones and no one will remember the years the St. Maarten people endured and continue to endure high electricity prices because of the present setup of GEBE."

Further, St. Maarten is yet to receive an official response regarding the appointment of its candidate for the board of the Committee for Financial Supervision CFT. Government had proposed businessman Michel Soons earlier this year, but there has been no movement by the Kingdom Council of Ministers to appoint him, Heyliger said. "There has been no word on why they are stalling on the appointment. This again shows no transparency on their part."

Source: http://www.thedailyherald.com/islands/1-islands-news/16387-first-naf-41-million-in-interest-payments-on-debt-relief-made-.html

Protest Iran Everton Xabi Alonso Snowboarding Guantánamo Bay

Roorda, Govt cross swords in court once again Friday

page3b301~ Former Finance Dept head wants to complete job ~

PHILIPSBURG--Bas Roorda and the St. Maarten government crossed swords in Court on Friday for the second time this week. This time Roorda was seeking reinstatement as head of the Finance Department.

Roorda's attorney Maarten Le Poole filed a petition with the Court on Monday for the hearing of five witnesses in the court case on the merits concerning his client's dismissal for violation of the pledge of secrecy.

Among the witnesses he wants to be heard are Justice Minister Roland Duncan, Finance Minister Hiro Shigemoto, Council of Ministers Secretary Cassandra Jansen and Ministry of Finance Acting Secretary-General Sherry Hazel. Except for Duncan, all of these persons were present during Friday's injunction.

Contrary to Roorda's desire to finish his "mission" in creating a "solid and transparent structure of government finances," both Minister Shigemoto and Secretary-General Hazel made it crystal clear that, according to them, government's relation with the former head of finance was beyond repair. "We have lost all trust and confidence in Roorda," Shigemoto said.

Roorda was fired on March 31 immediately after he reported to the Federal Detectives alleged systematic misappropriation of pocket money for Tourist Office business trips.

In his letter of dismissal, which Roorda claimed was invalid because it was not signed by the Governor as required, it was stated that Roorda had shared information with a third party without the preceding permission of his superior [Hazel, ed.] or the minister.

According to Roorda, such permission was not required because it was every civil servant's duty to report crimes. He considered the grounds for his dismissal "implausible, unlikely and unreasonable."

Minister Shigemoto said the Council of Minister had never tried to keep Roorda from reporting crimes. He said the council had only wanted to investigate and address the matter internally before going to the police.

"Roorda should have reported it to the proper organs within the administration. This problem was also politically sensitive. If these persons [civil servants, ed.] did something wrong they should have been told too. This [Roorda reporting to the police, ed.] led to more loss of confidence," Shigemoto said.

Shigemoto said the incident was not the only example of Roorda's insubordination and lack of loyalty to the government organisation. Government contends that Roorda also disclosed confidential information concerning civil servants' pension premiums to the Committee for Financial Supervision CFT.

Roorda said that as CFT's contact person he had had no other choice but to provide these figures, because the law stipulated that St. Maarten should provide the CFT with all information required.

Government, represented in this case by attorney-at-law Richard Gibson Jr., contested this statement. He said not Roorda, but Secretary-General Hazel was government's liaison with the CFT.

Minister Shigemoto and Roorda's attorney both said the Department of Finance had been and still was under a lot of pressure, with the difficult relationship with the CFT only adding to the tension.

In this light it was understandable there had been "tensions, differences of opinion and irritations," Le Poole stated, adding that Roorda had never been criticised previously concerning his work or behaviour.

Roorda also contested government's claim that he had "ridiculed" and "discredited" St. Maarten with the Dutch government. He further claimed that government had violated the confidentiality of mail in searching his e-mails.

Gibson said Roorda's dismissal had been justified because he had displayed "serious flaws" in his work as well as a "negative attitude" and had not been following instructions.

Roorda "continuously ignored directives" and had no respect for his superiors, said Gibson. This had only further complicated the already difficult talks with the CFT.

In giving an example, Gibson said Roorda had informed the CFT about the extra yield of the Turnover Tax increase prior to providing these figures to the Council of Ministers.

Roorda was hopeful that he would be reinstated. He told Judge Diederik Thierry that it might be "difficult, but not impossible" to cooperate again. "There is much to be done, such as the preparations of the 2012 budget, as well as in the area of internal controls," he said.

The judge will give his decision on Friday, May 20.

Source: http://www.thedailyherald.com/islands/1-islands-news/16819-roorda-govt-cross-swords-in-court-once-again-friday.html

CVs Russell Brand Mervyn King Oscars Niclas Alexandersson Mark Bright

Athar Al Hakim?s resignation a done deal

Prominent Egyptian actress Athar Al Hakim has revealed that she intends on making a life changing decision by permanently resigning from her acting career. Athar stated that the current demeaning and corrupt condition of the acting world leads her to making such a drastic decision.


According to the internet website MBC.net, Athar revealed that there is a strong possibility she may take on a teaching job to replace her acting one. She said that she has a BA in English Literature and loves to teach just like her father.


Athar Al Hakim
� 2011 Al Bawaba (www.albawaba.com)

read more

Source: http://www1.albawaba.com/latest-news/athar-al-hakim%E2%80%99s-resignation-done-deal-375975

International criminal justice Equality Discrimination at work The far right European football Energy

Kuwait International Bank celebrates 38th anniversary

Kuwait International Bank (Al-Dawli) celebrated its 38th anniversary today, after being officially introduced to the market in 1973 as one of Kuwait?s leading banking institutions.

Al-Dawli celebrated this occasion during an event held for its staff at The Regency Hotel where a number of the bank?s spokespersons gave short speeches and presented a competition and raffle draw with a dinner buffet.

Mahmoud Abul Eyoun, Kuwait International Bank?s CEO
� 2011 Al Bawaba (www.albawaba.com)

read more

Source: http://www1.albawaba.com/kuwait-international-bank-celebrates-38th-anniversary-376139

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Zuma says Gaddafi ready for truce


London, (Pal Telegraph) - Rebels reject offer as visiting South African president says Libyan leader is ready to stop fighting.

Source: http://www.paltelegraph.com/world/middle-east/libya/9316-zuma-says-gaddafi-ready-for-truce.html

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Laville commends NA, wants to contribute to law amendment

PHILIPSBURG--United People's (UP) party faction leader/ Member of Parliament Romain Laville has commended the National Alliance (NA) on presenting an amendment to the labour legislation to combat the rampant use of the short-term contract. NA presented the draft amendment to President of Parliament on Monday morning.

Laville told The Daily Herald that labour law is not a political issue, it's an issue of the people. For that reason, he has contacted the party to indicate that he would like to make a contribution to the furtherance of the amendment. "I have been working on something similar so this is not about who presented it first, but about making a difference."

Tackling the "labour abuse" of the six-month contract would have a major impact on the lives of the country's people and give "many mothers and fathers a sense of new air and hope" because permanent work would mean they would have an opportunity to get a loan, buy a house or simply do things for the family they were unable to do in the past, Laville said.

Addressing the deficiencies of the Labour Law also opens the doors for government and the business community "to sit together at the table" and work together for the best interest of the country. "A lot of companies benefit from the abuse of the six-month contract and we need to bring a proper balance."

It must be noted that this type of contract cannot be legislated away, Laville said, as it serves a purpose in some seasonal industries. "But, you cannot tell me that the post of a supermarket cashier is a seasonal one. We shop and eat food everyday so that cannot be. It is not the same as some hotels and construction companies needing additional workers during the high season and less workers later."

A proper overhaul of the labour laws will also assist youngsters to plan the careers they want to pursue, Laville said as they will have a clearer picture of the seasonal and permanent jobs.

Source: http://www.thedailyherald.com/islands/1-islands-news/17105-laville-commends-na-wants-to-contribute-to-law-amendment-.html

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Duncan rejects plan to deal with cell shortage at prison

PHILIPSBURG--Minister of Justice Roland Duncan disagrees with a proposal sent to him by the Prosecutor's Office that offered a temporary alternative to the current prison problem and to having to release criminals soon after their arrest. Only non-violent criminals would be allowed to apply for grace or early release.

Chief Prosecutor Hans Mos gave an overview of the proposal in a statement he released last week Thursday: "Awaiting renovation of the Pointe Blanche Detention Centre and the possible extension of prison facilities elsewhere on the island, the Prosecutor's Office submitted plans to the Minister of Justice back in February to alleviate the problems of having to send pre-trial detainees home because of the lack of prison cells.

"In brief, these plans consist of the possibility to order that the new police cells in the police station in Philipsburg are to be considered as a place where pre-trial detention can be executed. At this point in time, this act is forbidden by law, as those cells do not have that formal status.

"We also request the possibility to grant detainees who have been irrevocably convicted and who are closest to their early release date the ability to apply for grace for the rest of their term. This would occur only when and if their places are needed to lock up new pre-trail detainees. In these plans, serious crime convicts or repeat criminals are to be excluded from this possibility of grace."

In response to the proposal, Minister Duncan said, "This is where the public needs to wake up and be realistic. We don't have any cell capacity and if we are locking people up every day, every time we lock somebody up we run into an issue of space. So as far as what has been proposed to me, I am quite proud to say I have not approved it. I am not convinced of the use of it.

"What is the point? We have two choices we could make, if we are to start letting people go. You get arrested and the crime isn't that big, you're out in 24 hours like you see in the movies and you're back on the street again, because it's a petty theft.

"What is the problem? It hurts police morale, because they say: 'Darn it, we just caught this guy and now he's back on the street again?'

"That's chapter 1. Now, chapter 2: we say 'Okay, lock that guy up and let the guy who served five years out of 15 years go.' Heck no. Then I am letting go murderers, rapists and all kinds of weird people who do not deserve their freedom.

"We are in a difficult situation and believe me, we are taking care of it. In addition, the conditions for electronic supervision and early release are already there. If I don't get prison cells, in addition to the regular rules for early release I am going to have to release people even earlier than before. I'm resisting that.

"Yes, the prosecutor believes that is the solution. Yes, the courts are hammering me and saying, 'Listen, if you lock a guy up in that ugly cell at the police station for more than a month, I am going to let him go and I don't care what he did.'

"So the pressure is on us. I can't justify to the community that he or she who has been condemned for 15 years got out in five because we have no space. Soon there will not be a lack of prison space in St. Maarten. I assure you that. That being said, the process is going to require some patience."

When contacted Monday evening to share his thoughts regarding the minister's decision, Chief Prosecutor Mos said, "The lack of prison space is causing violent criminals to be released prior to their trial. The conditions for grace do not apply to rapists and murderers. In other words, I agree with the minister.

"Yet, if we have to let go of individuals for the time being to ensure that there is enough space, it would make more sense to release someone who was put in for embezzlement, instead of releasing an armed robber before his trial."

Source: http://www.thedailyherald.com/islands/1-islands-news/16647-duncan-rejects-plan-to-deal-with-cell-shortage-at-prison.html

Mark Bright Robert Schumann Dorset Internet Luis Moreno-Ocampo International criminal justice

Join the One State Initiative Share

Many people of good faith yearn for a future that is a joint democratic pluralistic state that encompasses all of the historic land of Palestine (currently the political entities of the apartheid State of Israel and the post-1967 Israeli occupied Palestinian Territories). It is time to put our beliefs into practice by bringing together all these people to effect the needed transformation socially and politically. We call on you to join us to formulate all the needed mechanisms for this transformation.  We are seeking local and international legal experts to draft a constitution for our joint future state and we are seeking activists with other skills (media, lobbying, civil disobedience etc) to translate the vision into reality. In our joint future state, Palestinian Refugees will have the right to return to their homes and lands and to receive reparation for their suffering as supported by UNGA resolution 194. Return and self-determination are key pillars of peace based on justice.  The validity of all actual laws and policies will be subject to this constitution with a bill of rights.  This constitution is founded on the critical principle that all people who live in historic Palestine as well as Palestinians who will realise their inalienable right of return will have an effective equality of citizenship and will enjoy fundamental rights and freedoms as articulated in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.

Substantively and procedurally, the constitution and structures to effect the needed transformation will be modified and adopted only via democratically structured institutions and, in this vein, we support efforts to reconstitute the Palestine National Council on democratic and representative foundations for all Palestinians regardless of where they currently live. The constitution will enable constant contestation of actual laws ensuring that structures of power never entrench themselves. Equal citizenship will have the result that present apartheid-based laws will be abrogated and future social and economic rights will never again be attached to any patterned and structured identity test that necessarily results in discrimination, oppression and domination of those who do not pass it. We believe in popular resistance and an anti-Apartheid struggle to achieve our collective goals. We will build on the previous initiatives and conferences that focused on one state solutions. We urge the international community to support us in ending Israeli apartheid and achieving our goal of one democratic state via the use of Boycotts, Divestments, and Sanctions (BDS) and all other means of pressure as articulated in the Palestinian Civil Society Call to Action 2005.

If you would like to join us, send a note to This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it with your name, email address, physical address, phone number, and a brief (few lines) biography.  By sending the note you agree to the use of your name and to the outline above. Organizations may also join this effort by sending us the name of the organization, email address, physical address, phone number, and individual name of the person authorized to communicate with us on behalf of the organization.

Names, affiliation

(Affiliation does not imply institutional endorsement, all signers in personal capacity)

Samir Abed-Rabbo (Dr.), ODS and Center for Advanced International Studies
Susan Abulhawa, Author
Ali Abunimah
Abdelfattah Abusrour (Dr.), Alrowwad Cultural and Theatre Center, Aida Refugee Camp
Khalid Amayreh, writer, journalist and  political commentator. Dura, Hebron
Naseer Aruri (Prof.), Emeritus (University of Massachusetts Dartmouth), Author of Dishonest Broker
Omar Barghouti, human rights activist
Ramzy Baroud, Author, Editor, The Palestine Chronicle
Oren Ben-Dor (Dr.), School of Law, University of Southampton, UK
George Bisharat, UC Hastings College of the Law, San Francisco
Haim Bresheeth (Prof.), BRICUP and University of East London
Eitan Bronstein
Shuki Cohen
Uri Davis (Dr.), Author
Haidar Eid (Prof.), ODSG, Gaza
Jamil Fayez (Dr.)
Burhan Ghanayem (Dr.), Businessman and Philanthropist, Previously Researcher at NIH, North Carolina
Neta Golan, International Solidarity Movement
Alma Abdul Hadi Jadallah  (Dr.), School of Conflict Analysis and Resolution, George Mason University
Sami Jamil Jadallah, JD, Founder of United Palestinian Appeal
Hatim Kanaaneh (Dr.), Author of a “Doctor in Gallilee”
Ghada Karmi (Prof.), University of Exeter, Devon, UK
Lubna Masarwa, Activist and Community Organizer, Jerusalem
Nur Masalha (Prof.), SOAS, University of London, UK
Khalil Nakhleh, Ph.D., Independent Researcher and Author
Lois Nakhlah
Dorothy Naor (Dr.)
Susan Nathan, Author, The other Side of Israel
Ken O’Keefe, Irish, Hawaiian, and Palestinian citizenship
Allegra Pacheco, Advocate
Ilan Pappe (Prof.), University of Exeter
Mazin Qumsiyeh (Prof.) Bethlehem University
George N. Rishmawi, Palestinian Center for Rapprochement, Beit Sahour
Suleiman Sharkh (Dr.), University of Southampton, Chairman of the PSC Southampton Branch, Palestinian Refugee from Majdal Asqalan

Source: http://palestinechronicle.com/view_article_details.php?id=16880

Moscow US foreign policy Ireland bailout Dennis Bergkamg Enjoy England TwiTrips Rugby union

Monday, May 30, 2011

Prince Faisal Bin Salman honors EyeofRiyadh.com

In recognition of their efforts, outstanding conduct, and achievements, HRH Prince Faisal Bin Salman honored EyeofRiyadh.com for sponsoring the Social Responsibility conference.

The honoring came during the event held at Four Seasons hotel, where HRH handed the award to Mr. Abdullah al Harbi, CEO of EyeofRiyadh.com, for the exceptional efforts Eye of Riyadh puts in to activate social responsibility.

Prince Faisal Bin Salman handing the award to Abdullah al Harbi, CEO of EyeofRiyadh.com
� 2011 Al Bawaba (www.albawaba.com)

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Source: http://www1.albawaba.com/hrh-prince-faisal-bin-salman-honors-eyeofriyadhcom-375911

Cultural trips Nuclear waste Moscow US foreign policy Ireland bailout Dennis Bergkamg

Syria threatens Qatari investments

Syrian President Bashar Assad has reportedly threatened Qatari Prime Minister and Foreign Minister Sheikh Hamad bin Jassim with the loss of his country?s investment in Syria which amounts to US$ 6 billion.

The threat was made during a recent meeting in Damascus when the embattled Syrian leader protested the Qatar-based Al-Jazeera TV?s coverage of the ongoing popular unrest in Syria.

Al-Assad blames Qatar for a "bad" media coverage of the ongoing popular unrest in Syria
� 2011 Al Bawaba (www.albawaba.com)

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Source: http://www1.albawaba.com/main-headlines/syria-threatens-qatari-investments

Annuities Darren Bent Employment law Middle East Extradition Gabriel Agbonlahor

At least 38 dead in Sanaa firefights

At least 38 people were killed in ongoing clashes between armed tribe men and government forces in a northern district of the Yemen capital Sanaa, AFP reported. Three tribal Sheikhs were among 24 supporters of tribal chief Sadiq al-Ahmar who were killed, and dozens of others were injured, a hospital source conveyed.

The Yemeni defense ministry said on its website, citing the interior ministry, that 14 troops died and two were missing in the fighting.

� 2011 Al Bawaba (www.albawaba.com)

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Source: http://www1.albawaba.com/main-headlines/least-38-dead-sanaa-firefights

Burlesque Bank of England Cultural trips Nuclear waste Moscow US foreign policy

Journalist attacked by thugs in Jaffna

A Jaffna-based journalist attached with the local newspaper Udayan was assaulted by a group of thugs while on his way to work earlier this morning, his newspaper said.

At least four persons had set upon the journalists who had been critical on the activities of certain thugs in the area, a spokesperson for the newspaper said.

The journalist, S. Kavitharan, 32 �had later sought medical treatment at the local hospital before making a complaint to the police.

The Jaffna police are conducting further investigations.

Source: http://www.sundaytimes.lk/index.php/latest/7779-journalist-attacked-by-thugs-in-jaffna

War crimes World Cup 2018 Supermarkets Florida Banking Ryan Babel

Gulf Business Machines and Cisco organize workshop to showcase vertical IT solutions

Gulf Business Machines (GBM), a Cisco Learning Partner (CLP) for MENA region and the region?s leading IT solutions provider and Cisco recently organized a workshop in Manama on May 23, 2011 for the Cisco Channel Partners in Bahrain to discuss the latest regional and global trends in vertical IT solutions.

Gulf Business Machines team
� 2011 Al Bawaba (www.albawaba.com)

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Source: http://www1.albawaba.com/gulf-business-machines-and-cisco-organize-workshop-showcase-vertical-it-solutions-375876

Sepp Blatter China St Lucia TV ratings Roy Hodgson Canada

Private Sector pension scheme suspended


The Government has decided to suspend the proposed private sector pension scheme with immediate effect amidst protets by Free Trade Zone workers and other sectors.

The decision was taken after the SLFP central Committee met today.

The government also decided to close the FTZ tomorrow inorder to restore normalcy.

Earlier police and FTZ workers battled each other when police fired rubber bullets and used tear gas to disperse protestors in Katunayaka.

The Inspector General of� Police Dr. Mahinda Balasuriya claimed only eight workers were injured along with 15 police officers,� but Trade unionist claimed over 250 workers had been injured.

Labour Minister Gamini Lokuge on Monday noon said Free Trade Zone workers are to be kept out of� the proposed private sector pension sceheme, the Government Information Department said.


Police and FTZ workers battled each other during a protest campaign by the FTZ workers in Katunayaka against the pension scheme. Pictures by�W. Hubert Fdo

Source: http://www.sundaytimes.lk/index.php/latest/7795-ftz-workers-to-be-kept-out-of-pension-scheme

Global economy BBC2 Twilight Dolomites Arsène Wenger Bulgaria

Haniyeh expects Gaza Strip construction boom

The Hamas premier in Gaza Strip, Ismail Haniyeh said the coastal territory has experienced a ?renaissance? in construction and reconstruction projects.

Haniyeh said in a speech during the celebration of laying the foundation stone of a government hospital in the town of Beit Hanoun in the northern Strip: ?We turned forever the page of lawlessness and we will not allow its return.?

Haniyeh confirmed his government got a formal commitment, especially from Qatar, to reconstruct what was destroyed by the Israeli army in Gaza
� 2011 Al Bawaba (www.albawaba.com)

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Source: http://www1.albawaba.com/main-headlines/haniyeh-expects-gaza-strip-construction-boom

Foreign currency Global terrorism Dance music UK security and terrorism Executive pay and bonuses Dmitry Medvedev

Yemeni president: No more concessions

Yemeni President Ali Abdullah Saleh on Wednesday said that he "would not offer more concessions" and "fight those who threaten the security and stability of the country." He also and reiterated his readiness to sign a transfer of power deal within the framework of a dialogue. Saleh said to media representatives Yemen "would not be drawn into a civil war," despite renewed clashes between government forces and supporters of tribal leader Sheikh Sadiq Ahmar.

Ali Saleh
� 2011 Al Bawaba (www.albawaba.com)

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Source: http://www1.albawaba.com/main-headlines/yemeni-president-no-more-concessions

Insects Buenos Aires Liza Minnelli Protest Iran Everton

GCC suspends initiative to Yemen as President Saleh clings to power

The GCC foreign ministers decided to suspend their initiative to address the political conflict in Yemen because of the lack of suitable circumstances to sign it by all parties.

They also regretted the siege that was imposed on the UAE's Embassy in Sanaa. Armed with guns, knives and swords, supporters of Yemen's leader, Ali Abdullah Saleh, trapped U.S., European and Arab ambassadors at a diplomatic mission in new turmoil that swept across the capital Sunday as the president refused to sign an agreement calling for him to step down in 30 days.

Ali Abdullah Saleh
� 2011 Al Bawaba (www.albawaba.com)

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Source: http://www1.albawaba.com/main-headlines/gcc-suspends-initiative-yemen-president-saleh-clings-power

World Cup 2018 Supermarkets Florida Banking Ryan Babel Labour

Israeli army raids several houses in Hebron

altWest Bank, (Pal Telegraph)- Israeli military vehicles raided Monday several houses in the southern West Bank city of Hebron and erected military barriers at the main entrances of the city.

Source: http://www.paltelegraph.com/palestine/west-bank/9302-israeli-army-raids-several-houses-in-hebron.html

Disability Restaurants Social networking War crimes World Cup 2018 Supermarkets

Hundreds of settlers storm Yousef?s tomb

altWest Bank, (Pal Telegraph)-violent confrontation erupted Monday between Palestinian youths� and Israeli soldiers who invaded Nablus city to provide protection for hundreds of settlers during their way to al-Nabi Yousef tomb in the east of the city.

Source: http://www.paltelegraph.com/palestine/west-bank/9299-hundreds-of-settlers-storm-yousefs-tomb.html

Global economy BBC2 Twilight Dolomites Arsène Wenger Bulgaria

Air Liquide Arabia to invest more than US$35 million in Saudi Arabia

Saudi Aramco and Air Liquide Arabia announced that they had signed a new long-term nitrogen supply agreement for Saudi Aramco?s operations in Qurayyah, in the Eastern Province. This nitrogen will be used by Saudi Aramco in the processing of seawater related to oil production.

Air Liquide's nitrogen will be used by Saudi Aramco in the processing of seawater related to oil production
� 2011 Al Bawaba (www.albawaba.com)

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Source: http://www1.albawaba.com/main-headlines/air-liquide-arabia-invest-more-us35-million-saudi-arabia

Alex Reid Manchester City Annuities Darren Bent Employment law Middle East

Sunday, May 29, 2011

Pigeon Island opened for the public



Pigeon Island, situated on the tip of Nilaveli Coast in the eastern port city of Trincomalee was declared open to the public this afternoon after some 25 plus years.

 The only known island wild life sanctuary in the country, it is rich in various type of coral and other marine life, but had remained cut-off to the public for nearly three decades owing to the separatist conflict.

 The place will from now on be managed by the Wild Life Department who have decided to issue tickets for a trip to the island which is situated some four kilometers from the Nilaveli coast.

 Tickets are priced at Rs. 40 per adult and Rs. 20 for a minor. Foreigners will be charged US$ 10.00 per head, officials said. Economic Minister Basil Rajapaksa and other state officials was present at the opening ceremony.




Source: http://www.sundaytimes.lk/index.php/latest/7786-pigeon-opened-for-the-public

Mortgages European Union Tesco Craig Bellamy Foreign currency Global terrorism

Truce accord reached in Sana'a

Mediators on Saturday reached an accord between a opposition tribal chief and government forces over withdrawal of armed men from a Sanaa district, a close aide to the chief said. Under the terms of the agreement which comes into effect from Sunday at 0530 GMT, supporters of the tribal chief Sheikh Sadiq al-Ahmar "will withdraw from public buildings they control" in Sanaa, AFP reported.

Armed man in Yemen
� 2011 Al Bawaba (www.albawaba.com)

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Source: http://www1.albawaba.com/main-headlines/truce-accord-reached-sanaa

Twilight Dolomites Arsène Wenger Bulgaria Stock markets Energy efficiency

Join the One State Initiative Share

Many people of good faith yearn for a future that is a joint democratic pluralistic state that encompasses all of the historic land of Palestine (currently the political entities of the apartheid State of Israel and the post-1967 Israeli occupied Palestinian Territories). It is time to put our beliefs into practice by bringing together all these people to effect the needed transformation socially and politically. We call on you to join us to formulate all the needed mechanisms for this transformation.  We are seeking local and international legal experts to draft a constitution for our joint future state and we are seeking activists with other skills (media, lobbying, civil disobedience etc) to translate the vision into reality. In our joint future state, Palestinian Refugees will have the right to return to their homes and lands and to receive reparation for their suffering as supported by UNGA resolution 194. Return and self-determination are key pillars of peace based on justice.  The validity of all actual laws and policies will be subject to this constitution with a bill of rights.  This constitution is founded on the critical principle that all people who live in historic Palestine as well as Palestinians who will realise their inalienable right of return will have an effective equality of citizenship and will enjoy fundamental rights and freedoms as articulated in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.

Substantively and procedurally, the constitution and structures to effect the needed transformation will be modified and adopted only via democratically structured institutions and, in this vein, we support efforts to reconstitute the Palestine National Council on democratic and representative foundations for all Palestinians regardless of where they currently live. The constitution will enable constant contestation of actual laws ensuring that structures of power never entrench themselves. Equal citizenship will have the result that present apartheid-based laws will be abrogated and future social and economic rights will never again be attached to any patterned and structured identity test that necessarily results in discrimination, oppression and domination of those who do not pass it. We believe in popular resistance and an anti-Apartheid struggle to achieve our collective goals. We will build on the previous initiatives and conferences that focused on one state solutions. We urge the international community to support us in ending Israeli apartheid and achieving our goal of one democratic state via the use of Boycotts, Divestments, and Sanctions (BDS) and all other means of pressure as articulated in the Palestinian Civil Society Call to Action 2005.

If you would like to join us, send a note to This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it with your name, email address, physical address, phone number, and a brief (few lines) biography.  By sending the note you agree to the use of your name and to the outline above. Organizations may also join this effort by sending us the name of the organization, email address, physical address, phone number, and individual name of the person authorized to communicate with us on behalf of the organization.

Names, affiliation

(Affiliation does not imply institutional endorsement, all signers in personal capacity)

Samir Abed-Rabbo (Dr.), ODS and Center for Advanced International Studies
Susan Abulhawa, Author
Ali Abunimah
Abdelfattah Abusrour (Dr.), Alrowwad Cultural and Theatre Center, Aida Refugee Camp
Khalid Amayreh, writer, journalist and  political commentator. Dura, Hebron
Naseer Aruri (Prof.), Emeritus (University of Massachusetts Dartmouth), Author of Dishonest Broker
Omar Barghouti, human rights activist
Ramzy Baroud, Author, Editor, The Palestine Chronicle
Oren Ben-Dor (Dr.), School of Law, University of Southampton, UK
George Bisharat, UC Hastings College of the Law, San Francisco
Haim Bresheeth (Prof.), BRICUP and University of East London
Eitan Bronstein
Shuki Cohen
Uri Davis (Dr.), Author
Haidar Eid (Prof.), ODSG, Gaza
Jamil Fayez (Dr.)
Burhan Ghanayem (Dr.), Businessman and Philanthropist, Previously Researcher at NIH, North Carolina
Neta Golan, International Solidarity Movement
Alma Abdul Hadi Jadallah  (Dr.), School of Conflict Analysis and Resolution, George Mason University
Sami Jamil Jadallah, JD, Founder of United Palestinian Appeal
Hatim Kanaaneh (Dr.), Author of a “Doctor in Gallilee”
Ghada Karmi (Prof.), University of Exeter, Devon, UK
Lubna Masarwa, Activist and Community Organizer, Jerusalem
Nur Masalha (Prof.), SOAS, University of London, UK
Khalil Nakhleh, Ph.D., Independent Researcher and Author
Lois Nakhlah
Dorothy Naor (Dr.)
Susan Nathan, Author, The other Side of Israel
Ken O’Keefe, Irish, Hawaiian, and Palestinian citizenship
Allegra Pacheco, Advocate
Ilan Pappe (Prof.), University of Exeter
Mazin Qumsiyeh (Prof.) Bethlehem University
George N. Rishmawi, Palestinian Center for Rapprochement, Beit Sahour
Suleiman Sharkh (Dr.), University of Southampton, Chairman of the PSC Southampton Branch, Palestinian Refugee from Majdal Asqalan

Source: http://palestinechronicle.com/view_article_details.php?id=16880

Hacking Documentary Stan Collymore West Bromwich Albion Arsenal Alex Reid

No withdrawal to 1967 borders, insists Netanyahu

Israeli Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu said tonight that his country will not agree to return to the borders it held before 1967's War. In a speech to pro-Israel lobbyists for the American-Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC) in Washington, Netanyahu stressed that such borders are "indefensible". According to him, he would make this clear in a speech to the U.S. Congress on Tuesday.

� 2011 Al Bawaba (www.albawaba.com)

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Source: http://www1.albawaba.com/main-headlines/no-withdrawal-1967-borders-insists-netanyahu

Clint Eastwood Local government Financial Services Authority (FSA) David Beckham Sweden Simon Cowell

IMF-head hopefuls visit next week Brazil as part of their global campaign for support

Brazil will listen to both candidates, Christine Lagarde and Agustín Carsterns The two leading candidates for the position of IMF Managing director will be visiting Brazil next week. French Finance Minister Christine Lagarde plans to travel to Brasilia on Monday to seek support for her candidacy, the French embassy said Friday.

Source: http://en.mercopress.com/2011/05/28/imf-head-hopefuls-visit-next-week-brazil-as-part-of-their-global-campaign-for-support?utm_source=feed&utm_medium=rss&utm_content=main&utm_campaign=rss

France Nuclear power Manchester United Shola Ameobi Hacking Documentary

Outrage as Telecoms Minister forcibly denied entry into own Ministry

Australia: The United Australian Lebanese Movement (UALM) is outraged that in this day and age, Lebanon?s Telecommunications? Minister Charbel Nahas is forcibly denied entry to inspect an illegal mobile phone network operating outside the oversight or the knowledge of the Lebanese Government.Information is emerging that this equipment was donated by China to Lebanon in 2007 for the purposes of testing, however the equipment is being used to run an illegal third mobile phone network outside the Lebanese state?s knowledge.On the 26th of May upon trying to enter the building owned by the Ministry accompanied by two General Managers and a technical team, Minister Nahas was confronted by 400 heavily armed members of the ?Information Branch? a unit within Lebanon?s Internal Security Forces (ISF). The ISF lead by Brigadier Ashraf Rifi, a close ally of Lebanon's care taker Prime Minister Saadedine Hariri (who has been spending more time in Saudi Arabia than in Lebanon since his government toppled after mass resignations), the Information Branch within the ISF has been operating outside the control of the state, arbitrarily arresting and imprisoning people without any judicial oversight questioning their actions or monitoring their budget. Their protection of imprisoned members of Fateh Islam (an Al Qaeda inspired terrorist groups such as that waged a brutal war with the Lebanese Army in 2007) has even raised eyebrows of the United States who along with Saudi Arabia back Hariri?s Future Movement.Another shocking event is the blatant refusal by Rifi to follow orders of Interior Minister Ziad Baroud to withdraw his troops from the Telecoms Ministry prompting Baroud to resign his post.� Baroud was appointed by President Michel Sulieman but has been impotent to achieve anything since he is not backed by political cover to implement needed changes within the Interior Ministry.� In an admission of his failure to run the Ministry, Baroud has now taken up in his residence.Sulieman along with Najib Mikati (who has been appointed to form a new government) have been locking horns with the new majority lead by Change of Reform Bloc of which Minister Nahas is a member.� The Change and Reform Bloc have been insisting on the appointment of reformist Ministers to clean up the country of 20 years of institutionalised corruption and improve the economic and security situation.Questions are starting to emerge in Lebanon and by the Lebanese Diaspora; why does the Information Branch operate outside the State?s control? Why do they have their own illegal phone network?� Why were 400 heavily armed troops (many of which in civilian clothing) sent down to prevent the Telecommunications Minister from entering his own Ministry?In a country where assassinations have been plaguing the populace the last 6 years in addition to the attack on UN Peacekeepers two days after the Telecom Ministry event, these questions among many others must be answered.The UALM calls upon a speedy government formation with reformists and parliamentary blocs given their fare share based on the size of their blocs.� This incident at the Telecoms Ministry is just another example of how rampant the corruption and violations of the country has been by those perceived as ?pro Western?.The United Australian Lebanese MovementMedia Office

Source: http://www.tayyar.org/Tayyar/News/PoliticalNews/en-US/129510669678409633.htm

Wigan Athletic Lloyds Banking Group Skiing Rihanna Radio 1 Boxing

Jordan Ahli Bank sponsors the Fourth International Conference on Healthcare

Jordan Ahli Bank recently sponsored the Fourth International Conference on Healthcare, which was held at Amman Ahlia University. The conference serves as a solid global platform for knowledge and experience sharing in the fields of scientific, medical and pharmaceutical analysis.

Through its private booth at the exhibition, the bank promoted its various banking products
� 2011 Al Bawaba (www.albawaba.com)

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Source: http://www1.albawaba.com/jordan-ahli-bank-sponsors-fourth-international-conference-healthcare

Everton Xabi Alonso Snowboarding Guantánamo Bay Kevin Campbell CVs

Israel arrests 5 Palestinian farmers near Hebron

altWest Bank, (Pal Telegraph)-Israeli occupation forces detained yesterday evening five Palestinian farmers from their fields in the town of Bait Ummer in the north of Hebron.

Source: http://www.paltelegraph.com/palestine/west-bank/9292-israel-arrests-5-palestinian-farmers-near-hebron.html

Ireland bailout Dennis Bergkamg Enjoy England TwiTrips Rugby union Simon Barker Insects

American Express Middle East extends partnership with British Airways to offer flight savings

American Express Middle East and North Africa announced today that it had extended its long-term partnership with British Airways to offer Cardmembers special discounts on online air fares. Until the end of the year, Cardmembers will receive a ten per cent online discount on flights from the GCC countries to the UK, US, Canada and select European destinations.

American Express
� 2011 Al Bawaba (www.albawaba.com)

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Source: http://www1.albawaba.com/american-express-middle-east-extends-partnership-british-airways-offer-flight-savings

Skiing Rihanna Radio 1 Boxing Marcus Bent Alexander McCall Smith