Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Some TelEm personnel asked to stay at home

~ As company restructures, downsizes ~

PHILIPSBURG--TelEm Group officially informed some personnel on Wednesday, June 20, to remain at home with full pay, with the understanding that the company will consider them when filling the remaining vacancies in the restructured company.

In addition, all staff members placed in the St. Maarten Telecommunication Operating Company N.V. (SMTOC) have been transferred officially from TelEm, Smitcoms N.V., and TelCell N.V. with immediate effect.

A press statement from the company explained that management, supported by independent consultants from PricewaterhouseCoopers and Global Resourcing and with full disclosure to the union representing TelEm Group workers, made known what members of staff would be retained and transferred to the new operating company.

The company's staffing levels stood around 200 two years ago. By strictly controlling new hires, by not renewing definite contracts and by not replacing staff members who have gone on pension or have resigned from the company, management succeeded in bringing staffing levels down to approximately 175 members at the start of this year.

Excluding some vacancies, management will maintain a level of 134 staff members after the restructuring process, of whom 13 were informed recently that they had not been placed in SMTOC, in addition to 28 other staff members who resigned or accepted voluntary leave and early pension packages mostly during the month of May and were not placed.

The 13 staff members not yet placed will be considered in a second round of placement, if suitable positions are available.

Management has stated that on the whole the level of downsizing consists of approximately 25 staff members in the past two years from non-replacement of staff, etc., and approximately 41 staff members in recent days mainly from the restructuring process. Approximately 20 vacant positions might be left to be filled by persons mostly of HBO level qualifications.

The company has assured all personnel that TelEm Group will meet all its obligations to personnel transferring to the new company and, most important, to personnel who will cease to be employed by TelEm Group. These obligations will be in accordance with the present collective labour agreement (CLA), a transfer agreement and a social plan, all signed with the union representing TelEm Group personnel.

Also, management will put in place support services to assist non-placed staff with interviews, recommendations and training for positions with other companies where their services may be required.

"Management is very sensitive to any pain that may be experienced by staff as a result of this phase of the restructuring process. However, the actions taken are in the long-term interest of the company and the sustaining of the remaining jobs that may otherwise be lost unless these necessary steps are taken," the release read, adding that a serious effort had been made to retain many personnel, some of whom in actual fact did not meet the stricter criteria for placement in the new company.

Furthermore, in discussion with the union and taking into consideration the part TelEm Group plays in the local community and economy, a serious degree of leniency has been exercised and more staff members have been retained than expected.

The company said the placement and non-placement of staff must be seen in the context of decisions taken many years ago to make the company's processes more efficient, reduce the manpower levels, make the company lean and mean, and place the correct persons in correct "best fit" positions within the company.

Source: http://www.thedailyherald.com/islands/1-islands-news/29064-some-telem-personnel-asked-to-stay-at-home-.html

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