Monday, July 30, 2012

Farmers concerned about long drought

MARIGOT--A long period without rain was one of the main concerns voiced by stockbreeders, growers and others in the agriculture industry to Fourth Vice-President Wendell Cocks during a tour of the French side last Saturday.

Cocks, who is responsible for economic development met with several of the main players in the agriculture sector to hear their complaints and understand their difficulties and needs. He was accompanied on the tour by Janice Carti, and Alfred Flanders.

The delegation visited the districts of French Quarter, Bellevue, Colombier, and Friar's Bay, meeting with Vincent Rohan, Vere Richardson, Maxim Parotte, and Ras Touza Jah Bash.

The ongoing saga of the non-functioning abattoir was another subject brought up, but Cocks indicated he would be communicating shortly on this with some important announcements according to the release from the Collectivité.

On the water shortage Cocks suggested more wells could be drilled and the possibility exists to apply for European funds for these types of projects.

There were also concerns from stockbreeders about insufficient manpower to prune bushes and trees, and generally manage fields and the land. The Vice President said this could be accomplished by creating an insertion project that would put young people at the disposition of the stockbreeders to do the necessary work.


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