Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Sarah lights menorah as Jews celebrate Chanukah

page5b185PHILIPSBURG--St. Maarten's friendliness and tolerance were demonstrated on Thursday, the third day of the Jewish celebration of Chanukah, when devout Christian Prime Minister Sarah Wescot-Williams lit the first lamp of the grand nine-branched menorah on Cyrus Wathey Square.

The second lamp was lit by Diamonds International Managing Director and prominent member of the Jewish community Moshe Hakimi. The third lamp was lit by part-time St. Maarten resident and fellow Jew Victor Weingarten.

This is the third year a large Chanukah celebration has been held in St. Maarten, thanks to resident Rabbi Moishe Chanowitz of Chabad Jewish Centre. The first was held in Dr. A.C. Wathey Cruise and Cargo Facilities and the second was also on the square and the first lamp was lit by Deputy Prime Minister Theo Heyliger.

Chanowitz told the gathering of the resident Jewish community, stay-over visitors and cruise ship passengers that their world was full of darkness and it was the task of everyone to bring and share the light and warmth in the community.

Wescot-Williams said St. Maarten was "truly unique" because it allowed for such gatherings. "St. Maarten is all about friendliness and friendship." She thanked the Jewish community for its contributions over the years. "May God continue to bless you and the island."

Weingarten, who spends about a month here every year, is part of a timeshare family some 300 strong who visit the country annually. He commended the rabbi for "bringing prosperity" to the Jewish community through preservation of the heritage and organising celebrations such as the one on the square on Thursday. He also thanked Wescot-Williams for "being a friend to our people."

The Hebrew School Choir entertained the gathering with songs in Hebrew and French, accompanied by Isidore "The Mighty Dow" York on steel pan. York also played some Hebrew tunes on the steel pan.

At the end of the lighting ceremony, everyone crowded into the VIP Lounge of Diamonds International for traditional jelly donuts and hot latkes.

The last night of the Chanukah celebrations will be observed with a similar party in Porto Cupecoy on Tuesday, December 27, starting at sundown.

Chanukah, the eight-day festival of light that begins on the eve of the 25th day of the Jewish month of Kislev, celebrates the triumph of light over darkness, of purity over adulteration, of spirituality over materiality.

Also known as the Festival of Lights, Chanukah commemorates the rededication of the Holy Temple (the Second Temple) in Jerusalem at the time of the Maccabean Revolt of the 2nd century BCE. The festival is observed by the kindling of the lights of a unique candelabrum ? the nine-branched Menorah. It has one additional light on each night of the holiday, progressing to eight on the final night.

The typical Menorah consists of eight branches with an additional raised branch. The extra light is called a shamash (attendant) and is given a distinct location, usually above or below the rest. The purpose of the shamash is to have a light available for use, as using the Hanukkah lights themselves is forbidden.

To learn more about Jewish services and other information, visit, e-mail or call 1-721-520-1717.


Niclas Alexandersson Mark Bright Robert Schumann Dorset Internet Luis Moreno-Ocampo

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