~Say 'it's a blatant disregard of country'~
PHILIPSBURG--"Shape up or ship out." This was the firm message the Windward Islands Chamber of Labour Unions (WICLU) sent to Members of Parliament (MPs) who failed to show up for Tuesday's Parliament meeting on the lawfulness of the voting of Jules James on a matter in which his name was mentioned and involving a company in which he is the Managing Director.
With the exception of President of Parliament Gracita Arrindell (UP), no member of the governing coalition showed up to the meeting, which was requested by the National Alliance (NA).
"This is a slap in the face of the people of St. Maarten," Elshot told reporters at the Chamber's weekly press conference on Thursday. "We cannot continue to tolerate the modus operandi of Parliament. We are more than a year into Country status and I can't recall one decent law that has been presented.
"...Someone has to tell Parliament to either shape up or ship out," she said.
WICLU president Theophilus Thompson said it was a "blatant disregard to Country" for MPs whose offices are located in the Parliament building to "refuse" to show up for a meeting held in that same building.
Several MPs from the governing coalition were in the building before the start of the meeting, but did not attend. Only Democratic Party (DP) MP Leroy de Weever was absent with notice.
James' role as an MP and as the General Manager of the Simpson Bay Resort and Marina (SBRM) has been under fire for some time, particularly from several union representatives. The unions have also been rallying behind the over 100 workers who had been fighting for more than a year to be recognised as employees of the SBRM.
Thompson said the move by the MPs put "a big question mark" on democracy. "These MPs don't understand their roles," he said. "This is a very serious matter for the population and the country as a whole. To not show up at a meeting and take care of the people's business when the people are paying you good salaries is a very serious concern.
"There is so much conflict of interest, and everyone is defending their interest on both sides. It is obvious that something is wrong."
The union President said it is regrettable that the leaders of the ruling parties were mum on the matter. "What is happening to these workers is cause for concern."
Elshot said MPs were elected to represent the people and if they couldn't do this, they should leave office. She said if the current situation continues, then St. Maarten would see a repeat of what has happened in St. Eustatius, whose governing coalition collapsed on Wednesday.
UP fraction leader MP Romain Laville had told The Daily Herald on Tuesday night that after he had had "some issues" with party members during a fraction meeting on Monday, he had decided to turn his phone off and stay away from the meeting.
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