Sunday, May 1, 2011

Armed robbery at store in Cole Bay

COLE BAY--A Chinese convenience store on Welfare Road in Cole Bay was robbed by an armed man wearing a mask who fled the scene of the crime on foot.

The man entered the store on Wednesday around 8:45pm, struck the cashier with his firearm on the right side of his head and demanded the money in the cash register.

After obtaining the money from the register, the robber on foot via an alley next to the establishment and successfully eluded police up to press time.

The man was armed with a long-barrel pistol similar to a .357 Magnum. He was slender with light eyes and was wearing a black ski mask.

The cashier suffered a one-inch gash to the right side of his head. He received medical attention from his sister and opted not to go to the hospital. He said, "The guy just came in and hit my head with the back of his weapon. I opened the cash register when he asked and then he reached over and grabbed the money."

The suspect did not obtain an amount of cash over three digits due to the store's policy of regularly locking up money from the cash register. Many convenience stores and gas stations follow the same policy.

Police arrived at the scene promptly and have launched their investigation.


Mortgages European Union Tesco Craig Bellamy Foreign currency Global terrorism

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