Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Donkey with broken leg reportedly sold to butcher

page6c254PHILIPSBURG--A donkey with a broken left hind leg that was cared for by several Good Samaritans on Tuesday morning was reportedly later sold to a butcher by its owner.

The donkey was found in distress in the vicinity of the Vineyard Building by Charles Benders who called several vets clinics for assistance, but was unable to get help. He later called animal activist Mercedes De Windt who advised him to get the animal water and try to make it comfortable until more assistance could be had.

Well-known roving photographer Gromyko Wilson also pitched in to help the donkey and sent out a plea for help via his Blackberry news broadcast. He also stayed with Benders and the animal for quite some time, waiting for help.

De Windt later got in touch with Alexandra Halley of Lucky Stables and Seaside Nature Park who headed over to have a look at the donkey and give it some pain killers until a vet could be on the scene.

Often donkeys, horses and other similar animals that suffer a broken leg are euthanized because there is no other way to treat the injury.

When Halley arrived on the scene, the owner who had finally arrived a bit earlier had made arrangements for the animal to be sold to a butcher, De Windt told the newspaper. Halley nor De Windt had been able to meet and/or speak to the donkey owner who had left the scene by the time Halley got there.

De Windt said she was concerned about the donkey being butchered for meat that could be sold to residents. A butcher from the French side bought the animal and collected it around 3:00pm with a pick up truck.

Commenting on the unavailability of a vet to assist the animal before the afternoon when they had spare time, De Windt said there should be some rotation system for vets to attend to emergency cases such as these.


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